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Vlog, part 2

Kindness Project, Day 1

I did my first kindness mission today!  ( :  I feel very accomplished because of it and happy, haha.  I wrote a bunch of really sweet messages on post-it notes and left them in random places in walmart!  I really hope people find them, and I really hope they are encouraged by them.  I'm hoping to really get into this kindness mission and really work some wonders!  I've always been a huge advocate for random acts of kindness to random people!!

I want to really invest my time in this in between data entry files (my work).  Tell me, readers, what are some things you do to try and be kind to strangers occasionally??

Update: Been very sick and Joining the Kindness Army

Hey there, ladies and gentlemen!  (:  I know I have not been posting a lot lately, and that is mainly because I've been very sick lately.  I got a double ear infection about two weeks ago and it has had me bed ridden, it got so bad.  I got it from taking too many showers in the day, and my doctor told me it is a little abnormal to shower six times a day and to chill on the showers.  It was just a little swimmers ear infection I guess, or at least it started out that way; they got so sore and itchy I started scratching at them and my ear canals ended up swelling shut and my lymph nodes just below my ears ended up swelling up too so I couldn't eat because I couldn't chew.

My doctor prescribed me some type of antibiotic, some ear drops, and lortab 5s for the pain to get to sleep.  For the most part, it was fine, but taking the lortabs and antibiotic in unison made me really awful sick.  I was throwing up, especially when the doctor gave me a penicillin shot which made me queasy for quite a few days.

I couldn't stay awake for any longer than fifteen minutes or I'd start vomiting bile (like I said, couldn't eat much).  Gradually, I've gotten better of course.  I am not completely over it, but am much better and hoping to fully recover some time soon.  (: 

On a more positive note, I'm married as of today.  I am going to try and take part in this kindness army that has emerged online and have purchased sticky notes JUST for the occasion.  : D  I have lots of sticky notes, markers, and a lot of kindness to spread.  Now for those of you who haven't heard of this movement, it is a really simple and affordable task.

Basically you get sticky notes and some markers and make tons of little kind messages and doodles on these sticky notes, then you go out and leave them in random places for people to find.  You also could buy some one flowers, hand out flowers to random people, do small things like hold the door open for some one, let some one over in traffic, smile at anyone you make eye contact with.

I really believe in this cause, because I think that every small act of kindness can create a heroic act of kindness later on.  It is like a ripple effect..  Starts out small and gets bigger as it is passed from person to person.  I hope you'll all join me!!

A letter to my best friend, my sister.

You and I met on our first days in public schooling together when were eleven years old.  It was like we were meant to meet too, because I moved from Memphis and went to DC after years of home schooling; you moved from Alabama after years of home schooling.  We both liked the same things, clothes, music, shows, make up, everything.  We argued over the same side of a subject, yet some how managed to still be arguing over it.  We have been through thick and thin, and experienced rough teenage years together, even had our fights.  But even when we were angriest at each other, we stuck together through thick and thin, like we were blood.  Sometimes I even think we might have been separated at birth.  I love you now, even though life is taking us down our different paths we will always reconnect, we know that, we always have.

My favorite Word (:

I'd have to say, my favorite word is BALANCE.
For all it represents, for the way it rolls off of the tongue, for how many things it applies to, and for how many ways it can be used.  There is always a balance; a balance between good and evil, light and dark, love and hate.  If that balance is not maintained, life as we know it could come crashing down around us.

Is that not what we seek to attain in our lives?  A balance of some sort
-constantly seeking some sort of stability in your life.
That requires balance in many aspects and areas.

Have you ever noticed that people who have suffered
through the most
tend to strive harder for success and money?

That's because those people strive for some sort of balance--they suffered a lot growing up, and now they want to be just as happy as they were angry and distressed.  I strive for balance in my life, and I know I'm not alone in that quest for balance in one aspect or another.

Made another video! (:

Final Fantasy X, this time though.  (:  I'm pretty proud of it...  I used Windows Movie Maker because it has some more editing features than iMovie.  :p  I used the song "Let Love Begin" By Dee Roberts; you guys should def' check some of her stuff out!  She's got some pretty beautiful songs.  :3

Don't ever let friends sleep on your couch; they mooch, try to take advantage of you, and you find out you really don't like the person...

First off, where do some people get this 'holier than thou' disposition they have??  :/  I was sitting in my apartment with my room mates and we were joking about crack.  I have had many experiences with crack and coke in my child hood, and let me tell you, it is not fun.  So we're talking about it, and my friend Laramie starts talking about how some people do it, and I started telling her the differences between the two and the differences between how you consume them.  This guy that is currently crashing on my couch, says, "well, i don't do drugs.  i just make fun of the idiots that do." 


I know he did not just say that in a room full of reformed, cleaned up druggies.  >:C  I felt like snapping, but I've been trying to give this guy the benefit of the doubt since he started crashing on our couch; trying to have a pleasant room mate experience.  But, he has this attitude like he is so much better than anyone around him.  My room mate Brandi and he were having a discussion and she said, "...To be honest, I'd probably put a butcher knife clean through your heart if you did that."  And his oh-so-intelligent response:  "I'd pull it out and cut your throat."

NO.  You are not God, or Jesus, or anything other than human.  You can not survive a knife through the heart, and even if you did, you wouldn't have the energy or the strength to pull it out and cut her throat with it.  You'd probably pass out from blood loss and pain before you could do so--and that's just CONSIDERING the ignorant idea of you being able to survive a butcher knife through the heart.

SECONDLY, he started talking about how people that do drugs or have done drugs are so weak.  Yeah, okay...  Let's stick your dumb ass and a cokehead in the same room together--see who survives longer with out food, water, facilities, or controlled temperature environment.  Let that cokehead withdraw, he'll be so damn hungry he'll eat your fat ass.

I really can't stand this guy now...  Which sucks, because we all used to like him, but since he's been here he's some what making us really not like him...  :/

I'm trying to get through the Barthandelus fight...

I'm really trying to get through the Barthandelus fight...  -.-  You know, the one in FFXIII on Chapter 9.  I hate it!  But, in happier news, I've got my characters and weapons leveled up all the way.  I woke up this morning with all sickness and acid reflux for no apparent reason.  All I had eaten the night before was a cupcake at noon, a small to-go box full of hibachi chicken from Fuji carry-out by our apartment, and some carrots later last night...  So, I think I might need to get a pregnancy test done..  :(  I don't want to be preggos all up in the uterus.  D:  I'm not financially prepared...  Oh well...  That's the price to pay for havin' sex, ain't it?

So, I was reading some articles on this Jessi Slaughter business...

I know, folks, I'm a little late to catch up with the happenings...  But I stumbled upon some of these articles, shortly thereafter I watched some of the videos on YouTube about it and this situation really irks me...  :/

On one hand, why would her parents let her on the internet with out any supervision?  Why would they not browse through her history each evening; also making sure to let her know that if they felt she had deleted anything she didn't want them to see, she'd be punished?  :/  What were her parents thinking, seriously??  They have no idea how to discipline her.

On the other, I don't see where these older people get off making fun of an eleven year old girl.  CLEARLY, she is young and naive, and had no idea what she was getting herself into.  Half of the people making fun of her, were probably some of the very people she was influenced by.  You know, all those little 'talk shit, get hit' sceney weeney buffoons.  I saw countless videos made in retort to Jessi Slaughter, made by girls who looked like older versions of Jessi Slaughter.

So, I guess this is one of those things that has neither a right side or a wrong side--because all parties involved in the situation were dreadfully wrong.

So I haven't been updating much, and here's why...

I've been playing Final Fantasy XIII all the way through again.  The first day, I played chapters 1-3 all the way through and that took me pretty much ALL day...  Then yesterday, I played all the way 4-9, and am hoping to finish up today at chapter 13.  (:  I swear, I'm such a dork...  :p  But I never did get to finish playing it for 360 because Andy's 360 red ringed when I was on chapter...  I think 10 or 11, I know I was pretty far along, because I was about half way through the pulse levels.  I honestly can't wait until FFXIII-2 comes out, because you get to play as Serah for most of the game and I'm really interested to see what she can do, and if she is as strong of a character as Lightning is through out the first game. 

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