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A letter to my best friend, my sister.

You and I met on our first days in public schooling together when were eleven years old.  It was like we were meant to meet too, because I moved from Memphis and went to DC after years of home schooling; you moved from Alabama after years of home schooling.  We both liked the same things, clothes, music, shows, make up, everything.  We argued over the same side of a subject, yet some how managed to still be arguing over it.  We have been through thick and thin, and experienced rough teenage years together, even had our fights.  But even when we were angriest at each other, we stuck together through thick and thin, like we were blood.  Sometimes I even think we might have been separated at birth.  I love you now, even though life is taking us down our different paths we will always reconnect, we know that, we always have.



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