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What would you say if some one asked you, what were the two most important things you learned a s a child?  Well, my answer is this:

I learned that you can't trust most people.  Even people who are supposed to care about you, you usually can't trust them.  You need to be very wary of people, and their intentions.  Even your parents can hurt you, even the people that are supposed to love you unconditionally can scar you for the rest of your life.  It could be anyone though; a parent, a friend, a sibling, an uncle or aunt, a teacher, a karate instructor, a piano teacher, a priest, a youth minister, a day care worker, a trusted friend of the family--it could be anyone, at any time.  It is disappointing and scary, and can really screw with your head...  The second thing I learned was that I should never be afraid to tell some one if I'm being abused, physically or mentally, or even both.  It was not my fault that my abuser did what they did, and I should have told some one. 
Some advice, children (should any happen upon my blog, despite some of its mildly inappropriate content).  If some one is abusing you, you should never be afraid to tell some one.  That person can not hurt you anymore, if you tell an adult you can trust that this person is harming you..  It is not your fault, and there are lines that should not be crossed by ANYONE
Some of my experiences as a child, I can not say I remember.  I actually don't remember 90% of my child hood, and the stuff I do remember is vague.  I have a flash here and there, usually caused by some sort of trigger around me; my memories generally tend to function based on stimulation.  For Example, Andy was cooking bacon in the cast iron we have, and it reminded me of the cast iron my brother hit me with when I was a youngster.  My mother actually has it hanging on our wall at home, because my head dented the cast iron dead in the center of it. 
An important aspect in child hood, is that you should always try to enjoy it thoroughly.  Be a child.  Don't worry about being a grown up; don't worry about wearing make up or mommy's high heels.  Go play with no shoes on, get locked out, drink from the water hose, collect silly things like ribbons and funny-shaped candle wax.  Color outside of the lines, mismatch, watch disney all day long, play play play!  Be a child.  Don't worry about trying to be grown up, not for a while.  I started trying to be an adult at a very young age, more due to the fact that I HAD to start being a grown up at a very early age; but you don't have to--so don't.
When I was a child, I actually had the goal that I wanted to be neat and have straight A's in school.  I don 't remember well if I accomplished this goal, but I know I later managed to be a straight A student all through out high school and middle school, at least.



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