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How Do I Relax During the Day?

Being eighteen, some people might think I'm still under someone's wing, still depending some what on some one to help take care of myself or not bothered by the many stress inducers most 20-40 year old people are dealing with.  However, I have been taking care of myself since I was sixteen years old.  I moved out at 16, starting paying my own phone bill, and began taking care of my own groceries for dorm and what-not.  I moved into my own apartment at 17, and have been paying my own rent, utilities, and groceries.  I've also been taking care of gas as well.  So, being as young as I am and dealing with these common stress inducers--like any average aged adult, I need my ways to wind down and relax!

I know some people, such as my mother, have some hard times finding ways to truly relax and put their mind at rest.  So here are some tips:

1)  Shower -- Must be the first thing you do in the morning.
Taking a hot shower can really be a huge stress reliever, and it costs next to nothing!  (:  The first thing I do in the morning is grab a hot shower.  Now, you've got to be careful about this and not making your shower too long or short.  I usually take about a twenty minute shower.  I take ten minutes to get my washing done, and ten minutes just to enjoy the warm water.  
When the shower becomes too long of a shower:  Honestly, I'd say once you hit about the 25minute marker, your shower has become too long of a shower.  You don't want to hold up the bath room or run up your water bill and induce more stress on yourself and others.
When your shower is too short:  Your shower can be too short!  I'd say if you're the type of person that usually jumps in, washes, and jumps out--your shower is too short!  Take the time to relax when you're done with your shower routine, and just enjoy the hot water.  
How does this help you out, Ginger?:  Well, for starters it is nice to just jump in a hot shower first thing in the morning.  It is nice to get the night time's stink off.  But for another thing, the hot water will relax your muscles tremendously, if you let it.  Once you feel your body starting to loosen up and relax, it is time to close your eyes and not think about anything at all--just focus on the hot water and how awesome it feels!  Don't think about bills, time limits, deadlines, or any other stress inducers whilst in the shower!

2)  Make a pot of coffee
Of course, don't get yourself too reliant on caffeine to get up in the morning--because there will always be that one day every now and then where you'll run out of coffee or not have time for a cup, and there you have it--another extremely stressful day.  However, even the sound of coffee brewing tends to relax me.  (:  I'll put on a pot, and clean while it is brewing!  
why clean while it is brewing:  because it helps take my mind off of outer stress inducers, like bills, rent, work, and taking care of everyone around me.  when i clean, it actually is a constructive chore that helps take my mind off of the bad things for a little bit.  And come on people, how can you honestly relax in a dirty home??  

3)  Enjoy your coffee
Yes, this means make yourself a cup, sit down, and sip on your coffee.  I tend to like smoking a cigarette when drinking a cup of coffee, because smoking is my vice.  
4)  Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness meditation is something that can be done at any time during the day!  That is what is really great about it.  All it takes to do some mindfulness meditation, is that you stop at any point during your hecticly scheduled day and take a second to focus on your breathing, and the fact that you're still alive, life won't end if everything's not perfect.  Basically, you're taking a second to catch your breath, control it, and tell yourself, "im only human".  It honestly helps!  (:
I hope these types of things will help any one who reads this!  If you try any of these things, or do them anyway on your own, comment me and tell me about it!  I'd really love to know if I'm the only one these things work for.



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