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Homosexual marriage legal in NY? :/

Okay, so I've been hearing a lot of jabber about this recent tid bit of news:  Homosexual Marriages legal in New York.  I, in particular, am not bothered by the prospect of homosexuals getting married.  I believe they deserve the same legal partnership rights any heterosexual couple would have by getting married.  However, being a Christian, I have to say I do have some concerns about this piece that I'm rather confused about, as they are two opposite ends of the spectrum...  :/
Argument Side One
While I think homosexual couples should have the same partnership rights a heterosexual couple has, I don't think they should be able to be married in a Church whose religion preaches anti-homosexuality sentiment.   I feel it would be a disrespect to whatever religions' God or Higher Entity said Church follows.  I am hoping they won't allow it in any type of Church, but I think perhaps a Nondenominational church might be okay.  (:

Argument Side Two
I think, if said homosexuals wanting to get married, want to get married under what ever religion they practice, then they should be able to.  I think it is their right as a citizen, and if they follow that religion they should be able to have that type of wedding.  For example, if a Christian homosexual couple wants to get married in the House of God, should they not be able to?  After all, the Bible does say, and I'll put this in simple terms, hate the sin not the sinner.  

So, as you can see, I'm a little confused on this subject.  I think it is beautiful for two people to love each other to be able to get married, regardless of the misconception amongst radical religious folk that homosexuals are wrong for their love, or that the people themselves are evil or bad.  I don't believe they are.  I think the right kind of love is beautiful to have, whether shared between man and woman, woman and woman, or man and man.  I think it is beautiful to be able to love some one so purely, that you'll defy society's rules and regulations to show that person you love them.  <3  However, I don't think homosexual marriage in churches is right.  I think they should be able to have the ceremony anywhere but a Church.


jamiessmiles said...

Certainly no one is fighting churches to force them to do marriages. Civil ceremonies or in churches who want to marry and have married homosexual couple even before it was recognized by state. WTG N.Y.!

Anonymous said...

The way I see it, God loves everybody, regardless of their sexual orientation. I think that the people who say gays shouldn´t be married in churches are the same people who think women should wear dresses and make sandwiches - after all it also says in the Bible that women are equal to lesser than men.
I think we should open our eyes and realise that it isn´t going to hurt us that other people are happy. Homosexuality isn´t a perversion against God, it´s at most a perversion against reproduction and we have enough people in the world already.

gingersoaplovin said...

I don't think it is wrong! (: I think love in any form is beautiful, actually. But I've been around psychologists (family members, older friends, my therapist) my whole life that I have this tendency to separate myself and look at both sides of the argument, the good and the ugly, and think about it to such an extent I develop scenarios on both ends, but I wanted to discuss what people thought the negatives might be. Mind you, I don't think many of them might come true, but I find it an interesting topic to pursue. But I support it. :3 You know?

Anonymous said...

No, I know, I tend to do that myself too actually and it´s always interesting to think about both sides of a controversial topic - abortion, corporal punishment, the EU and so on. I mean, they wouldn´t be interesting if there was only one right answer.

gingersoaplovin said...

Exactly! People in the Coffee Shop board totally flipped, and I was like, "why are you so upset? this is a discussion. not me bashing anyone." I clearly stated I support it in the main post.

Some one called me a homophobe. XD

jamiessmiles said...

Well, there is no realistic downside. After all, no one was incited to violence to get the legal right of marriage, there is unlikely to be riots in the streets to get a fucking church ceremony in a religion that does not accept homosexuality.

And CLEARLY stating you support something, then using a bunch of church propoganda to shoot it down. That has what has been holding gay people down for decades. I would much rather an honest person who clearly states they do not like gays then ones who think we are ALMOST good enough for human rights.

So, your wedding is coming up... when does the world get to vote on your right to marry?

gingersoaplovin said...

Excuse you, sir, but you do not get to decide whether I am or am not an honest person. I DO support homosexual rights; but pardon me for having an open mind enough to discuss that there actually ARE legit reasons as to why it wasn't legalized in the first place.

I wasn't using Church propaganda to shoot it down, I was simply trying to discuss possible negative side affects. Not stating those side affects WOULD happen, but wondering about it. If you don't have open mind enough to look at others' point of view, don't demand they try and understand yours. :/

I support homosexual rights. I was trying to have an interesting discussion. Simple as that. End of story.

jamiessmiles said...
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