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30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 10: Something you're afraid of

I'm honestly afraid of the dark.  I'm not sure, I just think I mostly fear what is in the dark--but not really the dark itself, because when I'm with some one I know will keep me safe, I'm usually not worried about the dark.  So I'm pretty sure that is why.  I remember when I was little, I got locked in my basement which was flooded and a bunch of dead bob cat's. 


Anonymous said...

Ok, I must ask... How on Earth did you get locked in your flooded basement?? And dead bobcats?? That gave me the chills, and I'm intrigued to know the details! :) I know if that happened to me as a kid, I would be scarred for life, and would never step foot into another basement.

gingersoaplovin said...

I was like three or four and it had rained that night, and we had a basement window thing. It flooded out the basement, where apparently we had bobcats living (which we did not know until my mum found the bodies in the water) and I had gotten up that night and I think I was looking for my mother's bedroom and that's how I got into the basement. The door locked from the outside so when I shut it behind me, the lock engaged and it was pitch black in there. I freaked, but our house was reallyyy big at the time, so I don't think my parents could hear me, because they didn't find me until around five or six am, when my brother woke up.

Anonymous said...

Scary! That is, by far, one of the most terrifying childhood stories I've ever heard of! Glad you were ok! :)


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