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Jager is used to us!

This morning, I found he had eaten all of the food on his platter so I went to refill it and he had knocked over the entire bucket of food--and ripped the top off of it!  I cleaned it up, fed him, and then took him out and he went up and down the stairs with no problem, which was a relief to me, because he is a strong little thing and when he doesn't like something he'll fight you on it hard.  He made going potty his very first order of business this morning, and after wards I let him sniff around and took him walking for a little bit to enjoy the outdoors.  It was fun!  I'm so proud of him for adjusting so quickly.

When we came back in to the apartment, he started sniffing around and insisted on me giving him a bigger bowl for his water, as he was drinking bowl after bowl of the smaller bowl we had given him.  He sniffed around, tugged on the blanket I designated his blanket on his first day here, and sat in front of me for a while.  I pet him and he laid his head on my knee for a few minutes, before he retired to his corner to snuggle with his blanket and take a nap.

I'm so surprised he's made this much progress, but so relieved at the same time.  For a minute there, I was nervous he wouldn't adjust at all.  He's not used to people--as his previous owner was always at college and her dad was working all hours of the day pretty much; and he only ever lived in their back yard with other dogs, so he's used to having dogs for companionship not people, and he's used to being outdoors, not in doors.  Which would explain why rain doesn't bother him like it has all of my other dogs.  :p

Anyhow, he's doing really well and I'm so happy he is getting used to us here!  Maybe soon we'll be able to get him a puppy companion!



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