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Tale of a broken heart...

My name is Ginger, and over a year ago I got the most adorable puppy you could ever lay eyes on...  I fell in love with this little dog.  She is a rottweiler with a brown coat and golden rottweiler markings.  She has the most expressive puppy face I've ever seen on a dog.  My boyfriend, of 3 months at the time, had gotten her for me shortly after I moved in with him and his parents while we were in college.  His parents said, "NO!"  they did not want that dog in their house, they already had three, but one had just recently died, chasing a car in the road.  I was very upset that they had told him no, and we started trying to find a safe and loving home for her immediately.  However, we were unable to find her a home we trusted and felt safe leaving her at.  In the end, his parents fell in absolute love with her, as I knew they would at some point, and they let us keep her.  We paid for her shots, her dewormification, her getting fixed (which made her very depressed).  We took better care of this sweet little dog than we did our own selves.  I gave her a bath everyday, like you would a child.  She had literally become my baby.  At one point, she even got sick with Parvo virus, although we are not sure how she had gotten it after she had her shots.  My dog could not eat any food with out vomiting it up; nor could she potty at all.  She was quickly becoming sick and dehydrated.  I stayed up with her for seven days straight, trying to make my baby healthy again--and luckily, she did get better.  I remember sleeping in her puke covered dog bed with her, cleaning her up, trying to make her drink water.  Finally, I was able to get her to drink some pedialyte that was clear and had no taste or smell.  After she began consuming large quantities of it and was able to hold more down, she began drinking chicken broth and eating toast, and eventually she recovered and was a healthy, happy puppy once again.  I was so relieved.  Eventually, however, my boyfriend and I had to move out and into an apartment.  We could not take her with us.  I am simply distraught over this fact, as she is my little light.  Her parents had simply fallen in love with her and gotten attached, and now I can't have her!  :c  I'm very sad...  but i don't have the heart to take her from them..


KEL said...

I have a doggy myself. I must say once you have lived long enough with a certain pet, you would develop a bond with it; similarly to the development of human relationships. I just cannot imagine one day my dog will die, and all of us need to suffer this heart break. :( I am very sorry to hear that, but from what I assumed, you boyfriend's parents are going to keep it, eh? So during break, I guess you can still pay her a little visit. :)

gingersoaplovin said...

Well, you see, he's in the military and we are about to be getting married and moving off to another state so we won't be getting to visit her much. :c That's why I'm so sad!

Anonymous said...

Awww, my apologies, Ginger. That brought tears to my eyes, because the same sort of a story happened with me a few years back. You sound like an amazing person at heart who gave that dog her dream owner. I'm convinced that once you get attached to your pet, they'll always remember you. Time will heal.
On a lighter note, I just wanted to say welcome to the Blogging World, and thank you for following my blog! Keep up the good posts, and I'm sure I'll be talking to you frequently as you just got a follower! :)

OH! And congrats on getting married! When is the big day?

gingersoaplovin said...

I surely do hope so. And we'll be getting married at the end of the summer, though not quite sure what day. It depends on how quickly we can get the dresses together. We've got a location, however! The Chapel of Memories at MS State in Starkville, MS. We're quite excited!

And thanks for the follow! I hope we can become friends!

KEL said...

Aw... that is kinda unfortunate, but with the modern technology, I am sure you can figure out some ways to always take a look at her. But I do totally understand the missing feeling. I missed my dog whenever I went on a trip. At that point, I was just glad that Skype has been invented! :)

btw, Congratulations!! It is wonderful! Remember to post some pictures of your wedding after!! :)

gingersoaplovin said...

True story, chicadee! I'm going to have to get his parents hooked up with the technology needed for webconferencing. :p haha.

And thank you! I will do so. :D


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