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Grocery Shopping At Midnight and Relationships

Can be quite the interesting experience.  (:  Andy and I were having one of those ever-so-sleepless evenings when we got paid, so we went ahead and went grocery shopping!  Aside from one other family and the staff, we were the only people in SH walmart.  The line was short, quick, and easy to deal with and we have breakfast food now!  No down sides, other than that Andy was actually tired but claimed he just couldn't get to sleep.  I think, he is just getting into this habit where he won't sleep if I'm not asleep, and is trying to convince himself and others it is JUST because he can't get to sleep.

I am honestly thrilled that we did it, because it was just the type of quality time we needed--and yes, even us young ins have to reignite our sparks at times.  Our relationships loose their fire occasionally, too.  But then again, we're young ins that have bills, rent, and groceries to take care of.  We get burnt out, as if we're in our 30s.  c:

We only spent $137 and are pleased with how much we were able to get, especially since we were in too much of a 'i dont care' mood to actually budget and keep track of how much we were spending, and just grabbing everything we wanted.  He even got me a nice shirt while we were there, and we got at least two weeks worth of food.  I am wondering, though, how else he and I can learn to get along better.  I've talked to him about the things he does that annoy the hell out of me, the things he knows annoy me yet does them anyway. 

He still does some of the things...  Like, when we're walking up the stairs he pokes my butt after we reach the end of each stair case (we live on the third floor of our building, lulzz); he still touches my head (i hate it when people touch my head).  I just really get annoyed by little things, I think, and I don't think he thinks they are that big of a deal--and they're probably not.  But the simple fact of the matter is, those things do annoy me, so he shouldn't do them.  He acts like he won't be able to live if he is not annoying me; and I know the usual response would be something like..  "hes supposed to annoy you" or "men just like to pick at their girlfriends/wives/fiances" but my annoyance with these things reaches far beyond the normal annoyance level.  Like I honestly feel like exploding and punching him in the face when he does them, that is how badly those things annoy me..


KEL said...

Haha. That is funny! Yes, my boyfriend touches my head or pats me like a dog. I do get annoyed by it at times, but then I do think it is cute! I feel like I am his little girl which he is going to protect me. He makes me feel secured. :)

gingersoaplovin said...

With me it is just a really bad pet peeve, because he always wants to mess up my hair and it is irritating because when i fix my hair it takes like three hours of work. ><


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